Heritage Services

In recent months much of our case work has involved heritage projects, from interpretative and cultural tourism programmes to capital build and conservation projects. We have assembled multi-disciplinary teams using our bespoke knowledge brokerage model and provided skills services and solutions to a range of clients from commercial property developers to community and cultural groups.

We have just completed a Conditional Survey and Conservation Report for a client who wish to engage in a capital improvements programme for a signature building they own and manage.

It has been commissioned by by the owner of the subject property, in connection with a funding application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for capital works to restore, renovate and refit the building as well as addressing conservation and inclusive access issues.

The report was prepared on the basis of a visual walk-through inspection of the premises and a desk top study and analysis of the organisation’s proposals drawings and documents. Wider development plans were supported by the visual inspection of the premises as evidenced by the appended photographic survey and form the basis of this assessment. It is a preliminary report, and will identify issues of conservation concern and give independent verification of the owner’s own assessment of the condition of the building and the conservation work needed.

The next stage is to take this foundational work and where any issues arise which require specialist heritage survey a qualified consultant will be retained to complete this and provide their opinion.

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